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11 Jun 2002 / 5:10 p.m.
.:��the hell of wrestling water

i would much rather be in the shower right now, but the dishwasher is running. i've checked email and refreshed urls and ran out of options for distraction. i read some swinney, which always makes me pensive.

i've got this rattle in my chest that i just can't shake, and i don't know where it comes from.

i was meditating last night. it was 3am, and ritchie hawtin was in my headphones. i slipped a bit, started dreaming. i pull myself up out of it, literally. sitting up, i am knocked back down again by a rush of something. it was like heavy water, a limb, vaguely menacing. i exhaled, and felt adrenaline going sour in my veins.

meta dropped krishnamurti science on lonliness v. aloneness a few days ago. his timing was good; it gives me something to do.

when the dishes are clean, i can get clean, and go to tyler and jen's place. he's promising vodka, and i'm accepting.

i am cutting safety lines everywhere.


back from tyler's. so drunk. stumbled 15 blocks up the street that starts with H that i can't remember, sweating, feeling the humidity draping itself between me and my jeans and tee-shirt. i'm watching headlights shine on plants and flowers and garbage cans and the 14-year-old asian kid that tried to score weed from me and right now i fucking love this place: roads rivers people plants cars and the pink sky.


06.13��cleaned up some errors on here that were making me nuts. my grammar goes to shit after psychic kung fu with extradimensional water demons.

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